Sunday, May 31, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - We are all Skynet

The final phase of the Hindsite 2020 essays offer possible solutions.

First, the amalgam intellect.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The fourth phase of Hindsite 2020 concerns the Western Paradigm.

"America is in the saddest confused state of modernity and has no one to blame but itself."

Friday, May 29, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - The Semantic Deception of Dialectical Theses

The fourth phase of the Hindsite 2020 collection of essays concerns "the Western Paradigm."

When you are asked to believe two thoughts that oppose each other, your logical brain goes insane.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Mask On/Mask Off: The Neckerchief Returns

I'll be honest, I've wanted to tie a Neckerchief ever since I was a little boy and saw Clint Eastwood wear one in the Spaghetti Westerns.

Yet I always remained envious of the occasional real cowboy that passed my rural path. I feel the same about the Neckerchief as I do the beret, in that, they are fashion accessories to specific communities, to which either I don't belong.

Until now...

It's a perfect solution if your goal is to not spread your germs. Fold it once diagonally, tie the diagonal ends behind your neck, with the flat part of the triangle over your nose. Like you're going to rob a train...

Then pull it down off your nose and leave it alone around your neck. A Neckerchief...

Now rock that shit!

In the crazy world where you not only have to worry about protecting yourself and everyone else, you also have to adjust your habits just to live your life, you are now prepared to wear a mask if it's required, or if you want to, or maybe even if it's just going to make one person more comfortable. Like a sign of respect.

Remember, this isn't going to do much to protect you from getting sick. Just other people. It will protect a bit. It's proven better than nothing.

It's just a bonus that we're all going to look cool doing it.

Fare well, Friends...

Hindsite 2020 - Problems with Patriotism

The fourth phase of the Hindsite 2020 collection of essays concerns "the Western Paradigm."

Patriotism only has value in competition, therefore belongs solely to sport and war, everywhere else it is unhealthy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Occupy Wall Street: A class war by proxy

The fourth phase of the Hindsite 2020 collection of essays concerns "the Western Paradigm."

Here is a link to an ATS post I wrote in 2011 about how the "Occupy" movement was a war without shots fired.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - On Money

The third phase of the Hindsite 2020 collection of essays concern problems and perils of being human.

In the last ten years, I've expressed some ideas that I think are important to work into a collective paradigm, perhaps none more interesting or baffling than the idea that we get rid of money. (Not get rid of currency for some other form of trade, just stop using trade.)

Sounds impossible right? Come argue with me...

Monday, May 25, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - On Superstitions

The third phase of the Hindsite 2020 collection of essays concern problems and perils of being human.

Today, you can have beliefs, even faith but superstitions are stupid.

On Superstitions

Friday, May 15, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - On War

The third phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about the problems and perils of Humans today.
Most of them have something to do with making money...

This next essay is about the booming business of warfighting and the psyche that leads to it.

Here is a quote:  "... the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." - Hermann Goring at the Nuremberg trials, 1946.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - On Poverty

The third phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about the problems and perils of Humans today.
Most of them have something to do with making money...

"You could throw money at poverty all day every day, it won't fix a damn thing, only knowledge and effort will. So the solution to poverty is education and foresight."

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - On Food

The third phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about the problems and perils of Humans today.
Most of them have something to do with making money...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - On Water

The third phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about the problems and perils of Humans today.
Most of them have something to do with making money...

On Water

Monday, May 11, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - The War on Reason

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about: Governments, Conspiracies and Societies.

Today's essay is one of my most popular. It has been published in various languages and read over 100,000 times.

The War on Reason is a chapter from Anti-Social Engineering the Hypermanipulated Self about two things: 1.) How American intentionality lead to the events of September 11, 2001. 2.) Which of the myriad of conspiracy theories around that event might have some validity.

This one is a bit long, but it's not too deep.
Tomorrow we start the third phase of Hindsite 2020 - Problems & Perils

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - A War of Intentions: The Socially Engineered American War on Terror

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

Today's essay is about how America has socially engineered the war on terror and how thinking of terrorists as criminals, rather than zealots reveals the truth.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Islam has nothing to do with terrorism.

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

This next essay was written to address the ignorant, fear-borne racism of ordinary people on facebook. Some of them my friends. Confronting bigotry or ignorance is really just an opportunity to educate. However, some people are just hopeless and there's value in picking your fights.

I fight with essays.

Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Globalization and the New World Order

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains five essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

This essay is about the inevitability of Globalization and the New World Order that will follow. 
Here's a quote: "We will have our new world order, when we are ready, when it is ready. We won't make it, it will make us."

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Why I am a conspiracy theorist

The second phase of Hindsite 2020 contains five essays about: Conspiracies, Governments and Societies.

The first is: Why I am a conspiracy theorist.

Enjoy. See you tomorrow

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - U2's Joshua Tree tour proves the world is a better place

The first five essays of Hindsite 2020 are about Philosophy, Paradigm management, the promise of the 21st Century Enlightenment and Hyperexistentialism.

This essay is about how we happen to find ourselves in a great time to be alive and how music helps us understand living.

Tomorrow the second phase of Hindsite 2020 begins...

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Inside the BIG problem of the new Enlightenment

The first five essays of Hindsite 2020 are about Philosophy, Paradigm management, the promise of the 21st Century Enlightenment and Hyperexistentialism.

The fourth essay of Hindsite 2020 concerns the personal responsibility we have to this new Enlightenment.

Here's a quote from Inside the BIG problem of the new Enlightenment.

'Oprah asks, "Has the world gone crazy?"
The short answer is, "the world IS crazy" and "it IS because of us."
The long answer is contained in the word "gone..."
Inside that little word, "gone" is the BIG problem of the new Enlightenment.
How did we "go" crazy?'

Monday, May 4, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - The 21st Century Enlightenment

The first five essays of Hindsite 2020 are about Philosophy, Paradigm management, the promise of the 21st Century Enlightenment and Hyperexistentialism.

This third essay of 25 discusses the 21st Century Enlightenment as a product of the connected, amalgam intellect created by modern communication.


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Life in the Balance

The first five essays of Hindsite 2020 are about Philosophy, Paradigm management, the promise of the 21st Century Enlightenment and Hyperexistentialism. 

This is the second essay in the Hindsite 2020 collection.

It is about the bell curved nature of the Universe and what that means.

Life in the Balance

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hindsite 2020 - Live Life Properly - How philosophy can save the world

The first five essays of Hindsite 2020 are about Philosophy, Paradigm management, the promise of the 21st Century Enlightenment and Hyperexistentialism. 

The first essay in the Hindsite 2020 collection is about the promise of philosophy in practice.
Live Life Properly: How philosophy can save the world.

See you tomorrow.

2020 Hindsite Essays

Over the next 25 days (May 2020) I will be publishing 25 of my more popular, relevant essays about life on Planet Earth in the year 2020.

All of them were published between now and 2004. They are all about thinking.

Thus, this is the Hindsite Collection of essays.

The first five essays are concerning: Philosophy, Paradigm, Promise of the 21st Century Enlightenment, Hyperexistentialism

The second five essays are concerning: Conspiracy, Government, Societies, social criticism

The next six essays are concerning: Problems and perils of thinking on Planet Earth.

The next five essays are concerning: The Western Paradigm (American thinking)

The last four essays are concerning: Possible solutions for improved thinking.

Links will be provided here on this blog and on facebook

Enjoy your read. Leave a comment if you like. I'm also available at facebook.

Stay safe!