Monday, August 9, 2010

the War on Reason

A philosophical examination of the intentional aspects of the events that occurred on Manhattan Island on September 11th, 2001 and some key sociological byproducts.

This is not an essay about 9/11 as a conspiracy theory, it is about the dichotomy of opinion that is created by the need for belief in either the official story or the various theories that are available. This is an essay about hypermanipulation.

This is an edited version of a chapter for my forthcoming book: Anti-Social Engineering the Hyper Manipulated Self due 2011.

Comments are welcome.


The War on Reason

No matter how you reduce it, the events that took place on Manhattan Island, September 11, 2001 were a direct result of the intentions of the American government. How far you go into conspiracy theory is up to you. I've heard them all, but I'm not here to subscribe to any of them. You know me, you know our goals here. I'm going to go with what I have: things that we agree are indisputable facts and logic. It is in the interest of full disclosure that I present all these theories of what happened that day. It is a necessary part of my overall argument that the dichotomy of opinion be illustrated. I mean no disrespect to anyone, in fact, in this story, I see everyone as victim. It is not only their arguments we must think about, we must also recognize how it's all argument and what that means.

So, what can we say for certain about what happened that day? It's hard to imagine anyone thinking that “nothing” happened that day and I'm certainly unaware of any such theory coming forward. Everyone agrees that “something” happened that day. Other things we have to believe happened, but a few things are given. There used to be three more towers at the World Trade Center complex. Those towers are not there because they were destroyed on that day. Surprisingly, this is where what we actually know and can all agree on as happening, ends. No matter how you look at the rest of the story, you are going to be able to find more than one person who thinks differently. To some, this may be of no consequence. Those of us with paradigm paralysis cannot change our minds, those of us who won't even hear such nonsense, won't change our minds. You and I, however, understand something of how the mind works, how the self is shaped. You and I are beginning to understand how, at times, we can't even trust ourselves. We know what the difference between knowing and believing is. We can see the value in the big picture. We can decide for ourselves and, more importantly, we can not decide if we so choose. As I've stated, everyone is entitled to believe whatever nonsense they like. Some of us are also able to explain why we believe things without saying, “I just do.”

First, I will explain the official account of the day, as briefly as I can before I open a can of worms. As usual, we seek the who, what, where, when, how and why of the events that lead to the destruction that took place at the World Trade Center on September eleventh. (We will also discuss the other events of the day.) We all agree that, in the end, we had three towers reduced to dust, thousands of people dead and missing. How did the towers collapse and what was the cause? The official, accepted version is actually quite simple: Two large commercial airliners crashed, one each in each of the towers. The planes were laden with fuel and the subsequent explosion and fire weakened structural supports over the nearly two hours before the collapse. Finally, once the supports let go, the beams holding up the floor collapsed to the floor below, which was also weakened. Thus, the floor below collapsed, then the floor below, until such momentum and weight was achieved that the towers disintegrated in a “pancake” effect, floor to floor at nearly free fall speed. First one tower collapsed, then the other. Then, a few hours later, the third tower, the building known as WTC 7, collapsed. (We will discuss this event separately.)

The official explanation of how the aircraft were being used is also very clear cut. Members of Al Queda, controlled and funded by known terrorist kingpin Osama bin Laden, wished to wage a holy war against America. The hijackers used boxcutters and brute force to gain entry into the cockpits of these airplanes with the intention of crashing them into specific targets in the US. Which, for all but one of the four planes, they did. The fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Officials later stated they became aware of the boxcutter methodology via passenger cell phone calls to loved ones, the police, the FBI, etc. All of the men boarded the plane as ticketed passengers. All of them were Muslim. Some of the men were known to be training as pilots in the US. The highjackers, as they became known, were from different middle eastern countries. Pakistan, Sudan, most of them were from Saudi Arabia. Some of them, later identified, were known “muslim extremists.” The Pentagon was hit by the third highjacked airliner that came in at a ground level trajectory. There is no useable video footage of this event but there are still photos of the aftermath.

So we've covered everything but the "official" why."Which is the most difficult to cover and the point at which we have no choice but to accept someone's opinion. Even if we believe the tape of Osama bin Laden taking responsibility for the events and saying that he did so in retaliation for the US supporting Israel and occupying Muslim lands, it is still his version, which differs than the American version of “Muslim extremism hates everything about America, especially freedom.” Now, looking back on this statement, it seems almost farcical, yet we all heard it countless times.

Now, before we open that can of worms, peer inside and see what kind of weirdness is wriggling around, let's examine just a few more accepted truisms about the intentional background of the overall story. This will entail a little history. On December 24, 1979, Russia sent troops in to assist the government of Afghanistan in an ongoing civil war against the Mujahideen. The Mujahideen were, and are still, essentially Muslim freedom fighters. Afghanistan's government, The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was Communist and wished to advance the government, into a more modern, Eastern place. This type of coup was not at all a new thing for the area, even a cursory glance at Afghanistan's history will prove to you that it is, and always has been, an area of upheaval, perhaps become of it's central location in what we call the middle east. This time however, the government asked the Soviets for assistance and got it. Of course America didn't like this, particularly after the Shah they place in Iran was ousted and the American ambassador was kidnapped, then executed. (And let's not forget, the cold war is still in effect.) America, and some of her allies, via the CIA funnelled arms and supplies into Afghanistan, often through Pakistan, to support the Mujahideen in their “patriotic struggle.” This literally put bin Laden and his resources in the loop. He didn't need to “be on the payroll” but for all intents and purposes, he was. He was assisted in every way imaginable, short of putting American troops on the ground there, in any form other than training or advisory.

Then, in the spring of 1988, Russia, having spent billions of dollars and lost countless young men, she gave up and began removing her troops. Some people call the Russia Afghanistan conflict “Russia's Vietnam” because it was unpopular, seemingly unwinnable and promising little reward in the first place, (or so it seemed to the populace.) With Russia retreating, the Mujahideen claimed Afghanistan as victors, which I guess they were. The price they paid however, was continued chaos. Afghanistan has always been a tribal area or tribal people. (One little ten year war, in the grand scheme of eons of tradition of a proud people(s) is unlikely to change things for very long.) Until finally, the Taliban takes control of the government in 1996. The Taliban are aptly named, the word means “student,” and the Taliban, above all honours it's interpretation of the faith. What George Bush sees as Muslim extremism, to the Taliban, is the will of God. This is serious business and a great many people willingly take part in this seriousness.

The west used the Mujahideen for it's own goals and then abandoned them, albeit with fanfare and respect, to their own devices. Reagan recognized them as “freedom fighters” (which is a direct translation) as did James Bond and Rambo. While being applauded and immortalized in film nearing the end of the cold war, the CIA was quietly jotting down the names of the leaders, Liutenants and key players in the Mujahideen. These people, again, the more extreme, more violent members, became known as “the foundation” which translates into "Al Queda." (Foundation as in "base" a structure to be built upon.) Al Queda continues to fight for that which they consider holy. 

Now that we have established, albeit curtly, the basic official story including the main relevant aspects, you may have noticed that it, in someways, is contradictory, or at least shows discrepancies. Before we look at arguments against the official story as I've relayed it, let's open the flood gates of conspiracy and see what comes pouring in. Remember that we have no interest in wantonly suppressing opinions, we don't even have to decide if these seem reasonable or not, at this point. Let's just hear some other peoples original ideas, then we'll talk about them. Because there are so many of them, I will list them in point form as briefly as possible, arranged in topics of my choosing

-Airplane issues: There are several theories around the planes, some say they could fly as slow as they appear to be doing on film, some think they were remote controlled, some think they were not passenger aircraft at all, but were made up to look like they were, this is attached to the theory that there were no passengers, some think the airplanes had tanks attached to the underside for a larger explosion, some think there were no planes at all, they were drawn in, on the spot, in one of the largest, live, special effects ever to take place. (We will discuss this theory separately.) Finally, some argue that the cell phone calls people got couldn't have taken place as the technology wasn't on-board commercial airliners in 2001.

-Pilot issues: As I mentioned, some of the terrorists that took control of these airplanes were taking courses at American flight schools. None of those that were had impressive skills. Some of the instructors we're quoted expressing their dismay that these men could fly at all, never mind the rather difficult flying it took to successfully hit three of four targets in first attempts at flying a jumbo jet. This is distinct enough to be listed separately from Airplane issues.

-Architectural issues: There is currently a very large and growing group called “Architects for truth” that claims it is and was scientifically impossible for a building to be destroyed as it was, by fire. Therefore, they argue, these buildings were a controlled demolition.

-Controlled Demolition argument: Simply put, the argument is “these buildings were pre-rigged to be destroyed. The airplanes were subterfuge that was necessary or it would be too obvious that this was a false flag event. (How could you secretly rig three giant buildings to be demolished?) Evidence to support this theory are the several large explosions before the planes hit, (testimonial of employees of WTC,) the damage to the WTC1 lobby, (testimonial of firefighters,) explosions visible from the exterior as the towers collapsed, (testimonial of firefighters and other eyewitnesses,) and finally, after the collapse it was discovered that the remaining beams, jutting out from the rubble were sheared in perfect diagonal lines, in exactly the fashion one would use in a controlled demolition.

-False Flag argument: Regardless of how it came to be, this argument claims that it happened because it was supposed to. Perhaps some faction of the American government participated in the act, perhaps they just let it happen. Either way, it was a “business decision to keep the American military industrial complex going.”

-American complicity argument: see final image. They knew it was coming.”

-American duplicity argument: “They wanted it all along.” The Project for a New American Century was a politically based think tank established in the 1980's by Neoconservatives William Kristol and Robert Kagan. In 1997 they published a ninety page document entitled, “Rebuilding America's Defences.” I quote now from part five: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.” This is a very famous sentence referring to the need for something to “call people to arms.” Their explicit goal in this document was to recommend war in the middle east to control oil reserves, continue to expand military dominance and keep the economy of war moving forward. Somehow, they got what they wanted.

-The Strange Coincidences argument: This truly is a strange and publicly documented series of events. On September 11th 2001, the US military, NORAD, the National Reconnaissance Office, private and public law enforcement and related organizations were taking part in exercises that simulated things like, Russian/Nato wargames in the arctic, bioterrorism attacks, hijacked planes being flown into buildings. The purpose of this exercise was to test the preparedness of the American defence system in case of a terrorist attack on US soil. If you are confused, I'll reiterate. The government agencies involved in dealing with a situation like the one that occurred on September 11th, were doing a drill on September 11th that exactly mirrored the actual events taking place, in real time. (This is not actually a conspiracy theory. This was actually taking place. It becomes a conspiracy theory only through the reasonable expectation that by this happening, fighter planes were out of the area, confusion was created, delays occurred. This argument gets even spookier when we later discover that the exact same exercises were being conducted in the exact same fashion by British counterparts on the day of their terrorist attacks in London on July 7th, 2007.

-Discrepancies and “faked evidence:” Here the argument is, “the logic of their explanations is flawed.” For instance, if the two largest towers collapsed to dust, by way of the “fire caused a pancake collapse” theory, why did tower seven collapse when it suffered relatively minor fire damage and had a completely different construction style? Furthermore, the owner of the entire World Trade Center complex Larry Silverstein is on record as saying, “after we saw the damage caused by the other two towers collapsing, we made the decision that the best thing to do (with tower 7) would be to pull it.” He later tried to renounce this statement, saying that he never intended “pull it” to mean bring the tower down with explosives, he meant “stop fighting the fire and let it go down,” as in “pull the firefighters out.” Still, when you watch the footage of this collapse, it is picture perfect. So, we are back to our "controlled demolition argument."

There were other strange things about this aspect of the story. For instance, some of the alleged highjackers were never onboard the plane. Some of them, upon hearing they were dead and how, called American press agencies to denounce the news, obviously very alive and having nothing to do with any of these events. Other things were introduced as evidence that seemed illogical or even impossible. There is the case of a terrorist's passport being found at ground zero, completely unharmed. (The plane was completely destroyed in a fire so hot that it brought down a skyscraper, which has never happened before, yet a paper passport survived to be found on the ground?) A few blocks away from the WTC complex a jet engine was found that was claimed to be from the aircraft used. It was the wrong type of engine and in pristine condition. Then there is the case of confiscated video footage being returned edited. There were approximately 175 video cameras recording what happened that day. Of course many of them belonged to television stations but a number of them were just caught by citizens of New York and tourists. Of these, the majority were confiscated by the FBI in what could be argued to be a reasonable search for evidence. However, some of these tapes came back with footage missing, or they were copies of the tapes, not the originals. So the camera might pan away or cut away at key points, to miss the face of a passer-by, or even the critical moment of impact. Finally, there is the official footage which also seems edited, such as the Pentagon video that was released with “missing frames” at the critical moment. The Pentagon says the video is unedited and the plane was moving too fast for the video to catch it. I don’t know enough about video or physics to answer this question myself. Other, official news agency footage also seems to “cut away” at critical moments. In this category, there is a lot of material to absorb, some of which ties into the...

No Airplane theory: this theory is most convincingly argued in a film called “September Clues.” Basically, this extremely complicated argument boils down to the following: There never were any planes, (we don't know what happened to the passengers.) The explosions were caused by missiles being fired from the ground or boats nearby. Then “black ops” specialists, cut into the feeds of the news agencies satellites, in a seven second delay, to superimpose pre-prepared “airplanes” into the pictures that then were “sent out” as live footage. The film makers go into great detail answering all the questions you're currently coming up with, as I said, this is probably the most complicated of the conspiracy theories. This theory may have stemmed from contradictory eyewitness accounts, some saw a small place, a silver plane, a white plane, a plane with no windows, a plane that looked like a missile, a missile and finally nothing, the building just exploded in the shape of a wingspan. The filmmakers also argue that the frame by frame analysis shows a perfectly shaped “nose” of the second plane exiting the other side and retracting. They argue that this was a mistake by the black op fakers.

Advanced Secret Weaponry theory: This argument states that, again, this event was a pre-planned, controlled demolition, but there is also evidence of Scalar weaponry being used and Thermite. Scalar weapons are a (so far,) theoretical “ray gun” like weapon that can do many magical things. It is said the use of scalar weaponry is evidenced by black helicopters circling the towers, emitting very bright lights and vehicles at ground zero being completely unharmed, other than they are upside down. (The list of things that it is said a scalar ray can do is long, but includes: anti-gravity, molecular disruption, super heat.) Thermite, a very real entity, it is an extremely hot chemical reaction used to cut, weld or otherwise melt metals. It is claimed it is visible pouring out of the still standing towers and then, after the collapses, rendering pools of remarkably hot molten metal that stayed hot for weeks. Firefighters, attempting to search for survivors were sometimes turned away from these pools, too hot to approach.

“Too weird for this world” theories: Some people think that the events that took place on September 11th were some kind of Illuminati, satanist, alien agenda human sacrifice. Probably most famously put forward by David Icke, the Bush family, descended from Nero (which is true,) is part of the same bloodline as Queen Elizabeth, (and all the Windsor's, also true,) but that they are actually shape-shifting reptilian aliens hellbent on enslaving mankind as a food source, (probably not true.) Although the Bush family is involved in some weirdness, in the shape of the controversial membership to organizations such as the Skull and Bones, or the Bilderbergers, or taking part in the secret meetings at Bohemian Grove, people can only speculate on what this actually means, if anything. One weird aspect that I find spooky because you can see it with your own eyes and although it's probably a coincidence, but what a coincidence, is the Cash Talisman theory. This is best explained in pictures, featured below. What is argued is that, by handling this money, day in day out, for years, we subconsciously, (cosmically?) made these events happen through our unconscious intentions. In the frames, by folding the American dollar bills of different denominations we can see a distinct series of events unfold on 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar bills, viewed through the Washington arch near New York University, if folded "correctly"

I may have missed certain theories and I've certainly not gone into any great detail on any of them. Before we start examining these theories, let's take a moment to review what were the results of the events that took place on September 11th. I'm sure that everyone can agree on this: America and it's allies moved into Afghanistan and Iraq, yet not Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia. We were told, adamantly that there were “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq that needed to be found and that Iraq was harbouring terrorists. In fact, we should now be able to quite easily recognize the obvious social engineering of the news footage of politicians at the time, WMD and the need to engage was repeated, ad nauseum, until we found ourselves convinced. Plus, let's not forget, at this point in time, America is still reeling in sadness and anger. America wanted revenge, it didn't take much to convince the public that revenge was what was right.

However, what do we really have here, in this situation. We have one side, a designed subscribing to Islamic extremism and the teachings of a Philosopher named Sayyid Qutb which is excellently described in the BBC documentary series, The Power of Nightmares. On the other side we have a designed subscribing to Christian extremism and the teachings of a Philosopher named Leo Strauss. Perhaps you are thinking to yourself, “Yes, but we didn't kill thousands of innocent Muslims in a terrorist attack.” If you are thinking this, please put your head down and take a nap, you are way too ignorant to continue this conversation. We have, historically and easily, out ranked the killing by a margin of one hundred to one. One cannot make the argument that “this type of killing” is okay and “that type of killing” is not. One cannot say, “We are right and they are wrong,” with any kind of accuracy. The terrorist's don't have a trillion dollar budget, they can only fight their war as they can. We have a ridiculous advantage over them, technologically, militarily and monetarily. We have no advantage over them morally, despite what we believe. This is a perfectly fair fight, because war isn't supposed to be fair. The difference we should note is, although we say we are fighting a just war for freedom, or to spread democracy, they are fighting a war to spread the right to live as they please, (is that not freedom?) They are not trying to spread anything, they would rather we left them alone. I'm not siding with terrorist's, I'm also not siding with anyone, I’m a philosopher. These latter points all but fall away when I tell you that we are only here to consider whether or not what I’ve stated is true, not whether it is right or wrong. We seek social engineering, we have it as “designed subscribing.”

Let's now look at reasonable problems we can find, both in the official version of events and the varied conspiracy theories. As we established at the beginning of this chapter, we actually know only two things: those building are gone and something happened that made them “go away.” So what should we think about the details? Who should we agree with? What should we believe? Firstly and probably most importantly, let's realize that the existence of this question, in and of itself, is the problem. Why should we have to believe anybody? How come we can't know what happened that day? The answer is, of course, that the pieces of the puzzle don't all fit together. As time moves forward, the one side, let's call them Conspiracy Theorists, pull further and further away from the other side, let's call them “Official Believers.” A puzzle with missing or incorrect pieces doesn't make a pretty picture, in fact, in makes nothing. So, let's start again in simple question and answer form, the answers will come from me, reasonably and honestly. These are my opinions on the matter.

Q: Did airplanes crash into the towers?
A: Yes, I think so. All those passengers are still missing. I think it's reasonable to expect that if it was part of “the charade,” at least one of them would turn up and say, “I'm still alive!” in much the same way that the terrorists who weren't involved did.

Q: Did the airplanes cause the towers' collapse?
A: I can't answer that, but I seriously doubt it. I'm convinced that there was at least a secondary method to cause the collapse as we know it happened. Whether it was traditional explosives, scalar weapons or thermite, whether it was Al Queda or American “black ops” I don't know. However, I side with the hundreds (is it thousands by now?) of architects who claim the collapse that happened that day was unprecedented at the least and impossible at the most. I'm also of the opinion that the collapse of building 7, along with Larry Silversteens instruction to “pull it,” is highly suspect. Building 7 is a smoking gun. There was no reason to expect it to collapse. If they “pulled it” it had to be rigged. If it was rigged, it was done weeks in advance. If it was done weeks in advance, it is, by definition, a conspiracy. Pools of thermite were present, this is documented. Thermite does not occur naturally. Somebody put it there. Thermite is a smoking gun. If someone put thermite there, it is, by definition, a conspiracy. I also think we should call into question the numerous eyewitness (and earwitness, if I may,) reports of “explosions” happening before, during and after the buildings smouldered, but hadn't yet collapsed. Also, the apparent explosions visible as the buildings collapsed. Structural explosions are strategic explosions, if they were happening, it is, by definition a conspiracy. 

Q: How could they rig three huge buildings to be demolished, secretly?
A: I don't know. I do know that these buildings were very busy places and it wouldn't be uncommon for “construction workers” to be working there. Also, some WTC employees stated that there was “a lot of commotion, banging and screeching” heard from various floors, known to be vacant, in the weeks leading up to September 11th. All I know is this, steel framed buildings can burn and burn and burn, for weeks, without collapsing. Steel framed buildings do not collapse accidentally. If this type of building was going to do anything from the plane hitting it, (which, by the way, it was designed to withstand,) it would have a section that “fell over.” This is best illustrated when we watch the footage of the towers collapsing in slow motion. When the collapse begins, you can see how the top section, above the impact zone, starts to fall over sideways. Then, for some reason, dissolves upward in the same fashion as the rest of the building dissolves downward. This defies all logic and cannot be explained, by anyone, to my satisfaction. How is this even possible?

Q: Are you saying that America killed thousands of it's own people so they could advance an agenda?
A: No. I'm saying someone killed thousands of people in a way that isn't being fully or truthfully explained to us and it advanced a stated American political agenda. Moreover, I feel the results speak for themselves. I think it certainly would be easier for America to achieve what happened that day, than say, Al Queda. I'm of the opinion that there is a rogue element in the corridors of power in Washington. Even if Americans did this, it doesn't mean “America” did it. Unfortunately, for everyone, the world does not make this distinction. Obviously, we don’t wish to lump anything into generality.

Q: Complicity or Duplicity?
A: Probably both. We know Dick Cheney continuously refused requests to scramble fighter jets. We know George Bush was reading “My pet goat.” We know there were exercises taking place that mimicked the actual events and this caused confusion. We know that reports of imminent attacks were ignored. If all of these things are just the byproducts of the rampant ineptitude of modernity, (which isn't too much of a stretch,) it was the hallmark of all imperfect timing. However, things like the Project for a New American Century's report “Rebuilding America's Defences,” are a little too perfect a coincidence for my taste. Let's not forget, history is rife with false flags that various governments now admit to. Will someone, someday admit to this?

Q: Do you think Bush is a reptilian shape-shifter that wants to enslave the human race as a food source?
A: No. In my opinion, there are only two motivators for these very human people, money and power.

Q: Are there things that we can find out for certain?
A: Yes. We should be able to determine several things, if we are allowed to. It should be fairly easy to prove that these buildings were demolished by examining the left-over steel from the towers. (That was removed immediately and destroyed or recycled, or so we’re told.) Nevertheless, we should be able to do model experiments to test the “structural fire leads to collapse” hypothesis. We should be able to find out if the phone calls that took place onboard the flights were even possible at the time. We should be able to answer the question of whether or not the planes were capable of doing the flying as depicted in the films. I’m sure there are many other things I’m not thinking of.  

Finally, what does it mean? We know where we are now, nearly ten years later, fighting two multinational wars on nearly invisible fronts. Do we know why? Not really. We can only take sides. So what can be said about who we are now, compared to who we were then, are we more or less ourselves?

The events that happened on Manhattan Island on September 11th, 2001 created the dichotomy that pushes our society over into hyper reality. After the dust had settled and the War on Terror begun, you now have a choice to make, go to sleep and have opinion roll over you or go insane and let opinion roll over you. Either you buy the whole picture or you buy none of it. If you buy the whole picture you're denying too much evidence to be correct. If you believe that any part of it is fishy then the whole deck of cards comes down. If you believe it's fishy, you have little evidence to prove your case, thus people think you're a crazy person. I'm not a crazy person, yet I think something is fishy. Where do I fit in? It seems the answer is nowhere. The Hyper-Manipulated Self is awash in a sea of opinion and you must choose. I'm asking you to think about the choice you are making.

Perhaps you've noticed the expanding divide that has grown in America. Be it between the faithful and the atheists, republicans versus democrats, or conservatives fighting liberals, the gap is getting wider, more pronounced, louder and more violent. Examine the health care debate of 2009-2010, with people showing up at “townhall” meetings brandishing machine guns. Consider those who argue that socialized medicine is communism. Listen to the argument on one side that says, “If we get national health care, next you'll be living in a concentration camp,” and on the other side holds up a sign that reads, “Get a brain, morans!” How could any rational thinking person pick either of these sides? We can't. It's stupid to do so. Yet, here we are, we've been forced into this dichotomy. The middle is falling out of everything. With no middle there is no balance. With no balance there are only extremes. Having to choose an extreme is not a solution, unless your goal is chaos.

So what is the goal? I don't mean the small, step-goals such as “think this about that,” these things, at this point, should be obvious, I mean the overall goal. I think the goal is exemplified to us in the results of the actions who give us these intentions. At the onset of this chapter I made the statement, No matter how you reduce it, the events that took place on Manhattan Island, September 11, 2001 were a direct result of the intentions of the American government. I base this statement on the complicity, duplicity and desires of the powers that be. The government may not have had an active role in the events that lead to the results they obviously wanted, but this only means they were lacking intention in action. If the prior intention of a small group leads to the action of others, we simply have collective intentionality. I'm not suggesting that the twin towers talisman worked, but rather that, it is no mistake that we find ourselves in the situation we are. It was socially engineered.

It is important that we recognize that this intention continues on in society, long after the engineers who drafted it and the politicians who enacted it are gone. We are not rid of a philosophy so easily, particularly when we become so invested in it.

They knew it was coming... 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Every Essay Published by Mr. Taylor, so far...

List of Brian's Essays.
(Portions of essays that appear in my books may be edited.)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Capitalism isn't Evil, it's Stupid.


An open letter to America:

I recently read Ayn Rand's "Capitalism: The unknown ideal." In my defense, it was my first Rand. I didn't know she was an educated Ann Coulter. I also don't know how she dares call herself a Philosopher. Admittedly, I am a little naive when it comes to Rand, Economics or the morals of economics, however, I am well versed in the logical determination of morality and I still fail to see how Rand could be considered objective. (Is that ironic or is she misrepresenting herself?) Furthermore, this collection of essays was begun in 1946 and published throughout the early 60's in Rands' "Objectivist Newsletter," so I feel it fair to assess them as dated, Cold-War era, quasi-propaganda. So, why is it then, that we find similar objections to altruism expressed today? Why is it that so many are beating drums to the tune of "Selfishness is good?" (Harold Bloom) and others are calling Capitalism evil, (Michael Moore.) Let's take a look at Capitalism with the type of eyes it seems Rand wishes she had and without being a boorish idiot.

For the individual, capitalism is politically liberating. If someone in a capitalistic system wishes to start a business selling square wheels, this person is free and able to do so. This might seem like a silly analogy but I see it as being no different than clothes for dogs, electronic goldfish or decorative spatulas, at least in terms of necessity, but probably also, in utility. This freedom is a grand and great gift for the enterprising individual but it, in no way, signifies any value other than that which has a dollar sign in front of it. In such a system there are going to be boons and bombs, but the deciding factor isn't going to be measured in necessity or utility, but rather in desire. For example, "Mr. Square Wheels" isn't going to do very well, yet if a famous young pop singer decides it would be cool to appear in a video with one of his pant legs missing and for some reason it catches on, you aren't going to have to wait very long before one legged pants are available at your local clothing shops. Is this a good thing? Bad thing? Is it stupid? Does it matter?

Capitalism doesn't care what is true, right, good or ideal. Capitalism doesn't ask, "What does the world need?" It asks, "What can I capitalize on?" Although providing opportunity for individuals in a free market, this does, or at least can do, nothing for the people as a whole. This is what Rand refers to as "the concrete bound considerations of the immediate moment." It is what keeps us selfish and this is what keeps the gears of business greasy. Who really cares to make a "green car" when there's so much easy money to be made selling dirty cars? Who wants to cure a disease when there is so much easy money to be made selling treatments for it? Who wants to develop clean, natural energy sources when there can be no ongoing supply issues? Once you sell a solar panel, your transaction is done and you have lost the monthly fees you used to collect? How are we going to keep the coal industry alive this way? These institutions are in place, steadfastly.

This illustrates the problem with Capitalism, it belongs to the whims of Capitalists and Humans are stupid, greedy creatures with little foresight. (Unless you consider selfish foresight, which asks, "How am I going to cash in for the long run?") However, even with accepting this philosophy as reality, it is not the reason that we find ourselves, (in the western world,) in our current predicament. It is no mistake that Rand named her book "Capitalism: the unknown ideal." It is, in fact, unknown because it is missing controls to ensure that the initial goals it had for itself, could be met. Capitalism was supposed to be the promise of the middle class, a vehicle by which we might "make it." As it is an American experiment, one only needs to look at the history of the government to see the history of business. Somehow, these roles have reversed. Thus, Capitalism, as it should be, doesn't really exist. The following, as usual, is going to be considered crass by some, even flippant. I think, however, that if Ann Rand can be considered a Philosopher and Ann Coulter has people willing to pay to listen to her speak, you can afford to keep reading. It might piss you off, but that doesn't make it any less true and at least I won't charge you...

Once upon a time there was a teenage country called America. It had a nice constitution, reasonable laws and seemingly endless possibilities. After World War Two it also had a lock on GDP. (There was no reasonable competition left, it had been destroyed because, at the time, Germany and Japan had made enemies of themselves.) This worked very much in the favor of Americans. People had jobs, the products they made were selling. Large profits were being made. Taxes were paid by those who could afford them and the poorer folks got the breaks they needed. There were Unions to protect workers. Workers could afford cars, homes, vacations, education for their kids. It was a beautiful, innocent, squeaky clean time, but Americans were about to cross over, into the dark side.

Datsun (which became Nissan,) Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, are four American swear words. (Not that these companies are an inception of something, but rather, examples of it.) The 50s had ended. The innocence was over. Competition had returned. China could produce all the useless trinkets Americans were producing for far less. This was because, at the simplest level, they paid their workers less. The result was, Capitalism had to either increase profit margins, (price) or reduce costs, (quality.) Young Americans were looking around wondering, "Where is mine?" There began to be a new philosophy in Washington that proposed "Invention and ingenuity are on the way out, productiveness and profit are on the way in. Competition is what matters. Competition drives an economy." (Here, I will skip over Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, although these too were business decisions.) Until finally, Americans found themselves in line ups for gas, underemployed and facing bankruptcy. The cheques t! The country had written since WW2 had been cashed. Larger cities like Detroit and New York became havens for crime and corruptibility on the street level, because the "have nots" were unwilling to lie down and die. Something needed to give, but not anything as brazen as the changes Kennedy was suggesting. After all, let's not forget that it was not the ordinary American who stood to lose anything from the promotive changes suggested to contrast the norm. It is not the ordinary American who knowingly pulls the trigger on their own hopes and dreams. So while people like Johnson and Nixon kept the military industrial complex chasing the "new Camelot created by war" paradigm, dissent was building. The business of murder was beginning to lose its grandeur. Hippies were born and the dream was over. Warnings were either denied or brushed aside. Politicians who dared to suggest something needed to be done about the influence of business on policy are branded conspiracy nuts and are! either ignored or removed for reasons that have nothing to do! with performance. (Beliefs, drugs, business deals, sex, etc. Yet somehow the largest crime ever committed goes unexamined?) The 1970s created a desire to re-examine Capitalism, it no longer seemed to be working.

So business moved into Politics. Ronald Reagan became the first bought and paid for puppet president of the United States and they since haven't had one that wasn't. (Including Obama.) It is interesting to note that many of the same "behind the scenes" players that were found under Nixon were still found under George Bush Jr. and everyone in between. (If you would like to examine the forces behind the White House, or the Senate for that matter, look at the staff of the offices, look at the lobbyists, look at the corporations that sponsor the running of the politician, look at the men standing to the right of the President, leaning in to whisper instructions into wrinkled, dumb ears, look at that Presidents' appointments to key financial positions.) It isn't hard to see how Reagan is the beginning of the end of the middle class. Hippies become Yuppies who cry, "Me, me, me!" (Which is absurd in and of itself.)

Tax breaks for the rich are dumped onto the workers, stagnant wages stall under crushing cost of living increases, Unions begin being dismantled, a near insistence that workers use credit to stay afloat becomes the norm, these are the hallmarks of American Capitalism since the '80s. We have gone from, "How can I make a buck?" to "How can I take your buck?" Competition determines everything and price determines competition. It doesn't matter if Americans make XYZ trinket better or worse than Chinese factories do if they can't afford to work at the wages they're given. America's GDP, as I write these words, is less than the personal debt of its inhabitants. What are you going to do if your lenders want to collect? Lose your businesses, homes, opportunities, lives? Yes, you are.

What has changed in the last thirty years? We bail out industries that have no basis in reality, no need for existence, only to find out that they have had record profits since then. (I might add, with no rules governing what they are to do with this bailout, nor expectations of recompense.) What is a Bank if it is not able to loan? What is insurance if it doesn't respond to crisis? These institutions, like all capitalist endeavors, are designed for one purpose, to make as much money as possible. They don't care about anything else, including their customers. In reality, they are unable to do what they were designed to. Why are we helping them?

These actions wouldn't be possible if it weren't for two undeniable facts: 1.) Business is in charge. 2.) People are stupid. Take the re-mortgage craze as the perfect example. "Wouldn't it be nice if you could pay off your debt? Help your kids buy there first home? Maybe even take that dream vacation?" Yes, actually, that would be nice. Middle class boomers with nest eggs had this opportunity. Many of them took advantage of it only to end up losing everything because of climbing interest, hidden clauses and cut throat bureaucracies. Even people who had no business going into a mortgage were being allowed to. People, who couldn't afford the loans they were being given, were still being given them. Again, these institutions only have Capitalistic concerns. America has refinanced itself into foreclosure in the best interests of the corporations doing the financing. America has been redesigned to make the rich richer on the backs of the poor, there is only a dwi! ndling middle class left. Some people may blame the financiers for doing the tricking, or the legislators for allowing a conducive atmosphere, but I put at least fifty percent of the blame on those being tricked. America has an unhealthy trust in authority and an expectation for personal success, but when you boil it all down, greed is greed is greed. For the have-nots, I can only ask, "What we're you thinking?" For the haves, I ask, after your income passes your expenses what are you accomplishing with your excess? I'm turning 38 this year and although I may be a little paranoid and jaded, I expect nothing from anyone. I pay into a pension that I may never see, I live paycheck to paycheck, I don't own my home. I haven't had a vacation and I have no savings. (And I live in Canada, a country, according to Republicans, that is nearly Communist, but in actuality, quietly strives to be as crooked as its neighbor.) Again, I have no expectations beyond getting screwed, therefore I have n! ever been disappointed. Do I want to be a millionaire? Probabl! y. Do I wish I was doing more than scraping by? Definitely. I, like a lot of people, make less than I need, thirty two thousand a year to support myself, my wife, my son. I figure I could do it comfortably for only eighteen more. My boss makes $50,000, his boss makes $80,000, his boss makes $340,000 etc. Why? What job is worth $340,000 a year?

There are people in America who know what is really happening. They come from the rich, the poor and everywhere that is left in between. You might even have seen them in the Senate, hopping up and down, red-faced, weeping, pointing fingers at empty chambers, warning us. Ask yourself, "Why is there no one showing up to work here? (And what do their income tax returns look like?) Why are the people who make sense, such a minority?" The answer, of course, is that those of us who have it, want to keep it. It is the "Golden Rule." There is no change necessary for those of us whom have it good, or have it all. Change is uncomfortable, it's hard work, just ask anyone who doesn't believe in it. The people who seek change in this instance are in the right and the change they desire is inevitable. One way or another, America will end dismally if things continue along this track, it is only a question of time. All the juice has been squeezed out of this lemon.

Capitalism isn't evil, it's stupid. It can only be what you make it. Therefore, what is evil is how you have either used it, (if you are a have,) or allowed it to be used, (if you are a have-not.) I feel sorry for those of you stuck in the middle because to make the necessary changes is going to be difficult. However, one can only help those who are willing to help themselves. If you won't exercise the power you have to create the change you need, then you deserve what you're going to get, more of the same.

What are you waiting for?

(For this essay in it's entirety please click the link below.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Philosophy Generator.

Imagine, in your brain, there is a complicated network of associations. Every single thought you have comes from some combination of these associations. It is these associations that are the concern of the Philosophy Generator, (the chart,) and this is what we must now address.
P is for paradigm. A paradigm is a grouping of associations you have on any subject. Associations are any thought, memory, feeling, or idea and a grouping of them creates a mental model or conceptualization. No matter how many associations from which you construct a subjects' paradigm there is only one paradigm per subject. With P at the top of the Philosophy Generator it is the culmination of our concern and everything underneath it must be a constituent of that paradigm. For illustrative purposes, we will consider your “Fire Paradigm.” I have chosen “fire” because it is a universal paradigm that everyone can relate to, have experiences with and comprehend. Any and all associations you might have about “fire” are included, whether you're aware of them or not. (“Fire” is a concrete example, but all ideas, even abstract ideas like “love” or “the colour red” are arranged in paradigm.) I'm sure you can think of a long list of “fire” associations. Typical examples might include: fire is hot, fire burns, fire hurts, fire is useful (for heat, light, warmth, cooking,) fire can kill, fire can cleanse my spirit, fire is portable, fire is symbolic, fire can destroy, fire can cauterize, fire can power my steam engine, fire can propel us into space, fire will appease the Gods...

X is for experiential norm. An experiential norm is an association you have constructed through your own experience. Obviously, every association one makes is a personal experience and my associations, on even the same subjects, will be different from yours. Such sentences must be considered in their entirety as not just statements, but complete and total ideas, as per the rules of Philosophy. So when it is said that, “An experiential norm is an association you have constructed through your own experience,” it is meant that it is only this and cannot be anything else. In other words, an experiential norm is an association that you have made without the influences of other peoples' associations. It is what you have come up with, when left to your own devices. 
Looking at our list of associations for our “Fire Paradigm” we can now pick out the ones that are experiential norms: fire is hot, fire burns, fire hurts, fire can destroy, etc... It should be noted that any of these associations could have been taught to you, such as your mother may have taught you that the “oven” is “hot” and “mustn't be touched.” (Thus, three associations join to create the Paradigm, “Hot ovens mustn't be touched.”) If this was the case, then in fairness to our definitions, these examples would not qualify as experiential, until you had actually experienced the pain caused by touching a hot oven. Thus, these examples are common, and fair use, as sooner or later in this life, despite being taught, everyone burns themselves and sees something destroyed by fire.

In philosophical terms, experiential norms are knowledge by acquaintance. Knowledge by acquaintance is empirical, (verifiable by observation or experience, not reliant on theory or pure logic.) You know something to be factual because you've had personal experience with it. You are acquainted with a paradigm when it is determined by sense data, (information received by the five senses.) Such is it that a human may easily, through X, learn that fire burns.

S is for Social Norm. “Social norm” is a term borrowed from Sociology and in our context, it changes very little. A social norm is an association that you have constructed entirely from influence(s) or are the paradigm of an individual or group, other than you. These are the associations you have not made for yourself, they are not “your own devices.” In philosophical terms a social norm is knowledge by description. This means that you have learned of this association from sources outside your own experiences via their “description.” (Which could be a lesson, demonstration, story, the point is you are not directly sensing the associative data yourself, it is “second hand.”) It is possible for a social norm to become an experiential norm via “acquaintance” or having been personally experienced. This is why the Philosophy Generator has a line under P connecting S to X. It is a completely reasonable thing to say both that that an experience can be taught and a lesson can be experienced. (Such as your Mother taught you the oven is hot, but odds are, you're going to burn yourself at some point.) Later we will examine what it means when a social norm cannot be experienced. These types of associations, the kind that can't be directly experienced, we will refer to as “strict.” Looking at our list of “fire associations,” we can now pick out those that strictly fall into the category of social norms: “Fire will appease the Gods.” “Fire can cleanse my spirit.”

There is no rule that states that any particular Paradigm has to be either X or S. It must be at least one, but it can be built from associations that come from both experiential and social norms. Such is the case with certain aspects of our “fire” paradigm. Let's examine the practice of cauterization with a hot iron. At some point in history an ancestor of ours, already having carried fire into the iron age, learning from elders who have passed down “the knowledge” of fire's utility, somehow discovered that holding a red hot iron to flesh would “melt it together,” closing a wound. For that person, this realization was an experiential norm developed from previous social norms and one experience. (Some individual would have to have “done it first,” possibly thousands of years previous, with a burning ember, held in moss. This matters not for we are discussing the paradigm of cauterization with a hot iron.) Thus, the paradigm has associations of lesson: Fire, heat, iron work, and finally, perhaps by accident, the experience of cauterization was discovered. For everyone that he taught this to and then for everyone they taught this to, cauterization would be a social norm. For you, it would stay “S” until you “X'd” it. (Again, you don't have to be the one being cauterized to have this experience, you could just as readily see it happen.) If the associations of a particular paradigm come from both sides of the Philosophy Generator they are said to have a “mixed constituency.”

So far, we have examined what constitutes a particular paradigm, “fire,” and where those constituents originated, either X and/or S. Now we must look at how we first experienced these associations. Did we learn them? Were they the product of instinct and common sense or expectation due to existence?

L is for Learned. These are the associations that had to have been created anew. There are three types of learned associations and each of this has a place in the Philosophy Generator.
What? There aren't three L positions in the PG!
In the philosophy generator, and in life, there are strict social norms that must be learned, shared, passed between people. Remember, because it is strict it cannot be X, cannot be experienced. Call them SL. This may mean that you were instructed by another, for instance, in the task of burning an effigy. It could even be that you have no particular feelings toward the target of your symbolic sacrifice. You have simply been told who to hate and believed it. It has not been your experience that the effigy deserves to be a target, nor do you feel appropriately hostile. You are a product of only influence. So is the strictness defined.

The second L position belongs to X, attached to S. Call it SXL. These are learned social norms that can be experienced. It could mean that you were taught something like cauterization or just observed people walk on hot coals without hurting their feet. In this instance you are not being taught, but you are still learning from another, therefore either of these learned association is a social norm.

Anything you have learned, independent of others' paradigm, completely on your own is a strict learned experiential norm. This third and final L in the philosophy generator defines the lessons we learn on our own. Often these are the lessons we remember the best, having lived the experience.

N is for a Naturally occurring experiential norms. These are the associations we find necessary, unavoidable and inevitable. We are born with these paradigm, or they become exemplary, (required) . These are the types of things that we don't even think about, they just are. We don't have to be instructed to hold our breath underwater, we come equipped to understand that fire will hurt us if we let it, we experience love for our children, all without needing to be instructed how.

Perhaps, by now, you have calculated why it is that there is no N under S. If an association is a social norm it is because it has come from influence. A naturally occurring experiential norm, by definition, must be universally experienced. Strict social norms, (those that can't be experienced,) can never be considered Natural. It is possible for a social norm to become N if it can be X'd, Then, as a product of experiential norms, the association can no longer be S. This can get confusing and we will go into greater detail later. For now, consider the easiest example, “love.” Love is a powerful emotion that is a experience you must feel personally. However, you must have someone or something to love, so it seems like it should be a social norm. This is because you are confusing what it is the Philosophy Generator measures. We are not determining what is required for you to feel love, (you, someone else and a connection, presumably.) We are seeking what you think about love, how you think about love and from where did these ideas originate. Don't let the universality of the Generator muddy the waters, we are only concerned with the constituents of paradigm.

The final term in the chart above is U. U stands for Eudaemonia. (I've chosen U over E, because E is used elsewhere and the word is pronounced, “You-de-mon-ee-ah.”) Eudaemonia is an ancient Greek word that was developed into a philosophy of “happiness” by Aristotle. This, like all of the concepts being introduced here, will be examined to their ends, soon enough. All you need to understand at this point is that there are associations you will determine to be usefull or appropriate, in addition to the ones you feel are counterproductive. Eudaemonics will be what we use to determine this qualification. The definition of eudaemonia has wandered over the last 2400 years but in the shortest terms and the lowest common denominators, it is some combination of altruism and selfishness. Aristotle's happiness was not only a product of his desires, but also the promotion of what he determined to be good, so it is that he could feel content in his person, social network, city, nation, species and world, knowing he has done well by his turn at existence.

Anti-Social Engineering seeks the philosophical self both in definition from Social Psychologists and in reality from the Engineers who have, for the most part clandestinely, controlled it. Not to be confused with the seldom used business connotation, Anti-Social Engineering doesn't refer to the coaxing out of information you otherwise might not divulge, but rather as a personal resistance to any social engineering to which you may have succumbed. It is not (anti-social) (engineering) it is (anti) (social engineering.) Social engineers come in various forms and do their work in many disciplines. From the beer commercial that entices you to believe you will be deemed sexy by drinking a particular name brand, to the politician who wins your vote with promises he won't keep, social engineering is as old as language itself. We will concern ourselves primarily with the clandestine engineering that modernity finds itself bombarded with. We seek to expose the agendas of powerful manipulators that have pulled great wools over amassed eyes.

Where the Philosophy Generator is the means, Assignee's Prerogative is the ends. This is the discerning of your “Authentic Self.” Assignee's prerogative states that you give the paradigms you have their weight, worth, value, power and strength. It is the Atheists' prerogative to assign little power to his “God paradigm.” It is the Preachers' prerogative to do the opposite. Those of us who waltz through life unaware of the amazing intricacies of the human psyche will have no use for understanding Assignee's Prerogative. These people will still be assigning worth to their paradigms but without contemplating them will have no means to achieve any sort of awareness. Conversely, once we have been made aware of Assignee's Prerogative we must accept responsibility and be accountable to our consciousness. Thus, enlightenment is not a frivolous pursuit. 
To learn more about the philosophy generator and what can be done with it, read Brian's book: Anti-Social Engineering the Hyper-Manipulated Self